Why should I clean my home/building?

You want to maintain the exterior of your home for multiple reasons. One main cause is aesthetics. Nothing is worse than pulling into your driveway and realizing you own the dirtiest property on the block. The other main point is health.

The typical buildup you find on the exterior of a house or building is a combination of algae, mildew, mold, and lichen. These can be irritants to sinuses and can contribute to major health issues. If not removed, the buildup will only get worse, as it is airborne and will slowly migrate around all sides if not attended to. The buildup you see on the outside of a house or building can be easily removed and safely eliminated for years.

Rust Removal house

Rust is not only unpleasant to look at, but can be very difficult to remove. Trust the professionals at Professional Powerwashing & Maintenance to eliminate rust before it gets out of hand. Many people can have health-related problems due to rust that has not been cleaned from surfaces. Call us today for free estimate!

Why should I remove rust?

Rust is all around us. Dirtiness or iron oxide, occurs when water comes in contact with bare steel or alloy that contains iron. Tarnish develops when the bare steel or alloy is exposed to moisture and oxygen for a prolonged period of time. The oxygen combines with the bare metal or alloy at an atomic level, forming rust or iron oxide.

It is important to keep your eye on this type of buildup. Not only is it very unsightly, but it can cause permanent damage. Catching the rust at an early stage in its buildup can mean the difference between complete extraction or faded dirtiness color damage to a finish or completely failed finish that requires a restoration service.

What is the methodology?

Removing rust is not as easy as it seems. First identifying what the rust has stained is of the utmost importance. Sure, you can go to a hardware store and attempt to use an “over-the-counter” product, but you could run the serious risk of putting yourself in the hospital. Using an acid based solution is very common when trying to extract rust. It is very important to understand the safety precautions when doing a service such as this.

Respirators, eye protection, full bodied suit (if applicable), and gloves are a must! The gases that are given off during a chemical reaction while extracting iron oxide are deadly if inhaled, may cause blindness, burn and / or be very irritating to your skin even if a mist of the acid touches it. There are also specific acids for different surfaces. We strongly recommend Professional Powerwashing & Maintenance Services – we have years of experience and the know-how to correctly and safely remove or attempt to remove (depending how long the buildup has been there and its concentration) that unpleasant looking orange-colored growth.

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